joi, 21 martie 2013

But who will build the roads??

Motto: "Era noroiul mare cand meream la Biserica!!"

Localnicii din Tara Oasului isi asfalteaza drumurile si isi utileaza scolile din banii proprii. De la Tanti Florica pana la nea Gheorghe, toti toarna asfalt in Tara Oasului. Desi pare o gluma, se intampla in realitate. Satui sa umble prin glod, in cizme de cauciuc, si sa vada cum autoritatile stau cu mainile in san, gospodarii s-au apucat de treaba. Unul a venit cu betoniera, altul cu materialele, iar cei care lucreaza in strainatate au trimis banii necesari.

In localitatea Tarsolt se repara drumurile. Pana aici nimic nou. Dar cei care executa lucrarile publice sunt localnicii. Satui sa mai umble prin noroi, oamenii au facut sedinta si au decis ca fiecare familie sa dea o anumita suma, ca sa asfalteze 3 kilometri.

Domnul Gheorghe si-a cumparat utilajul special pentru drum. La fel ca altii, a donat 1.500 de euro, iar in total s-au strans 85.000 de euro. Din acesti bani au cumparat materiale si s-au pus pe treaba.

Nici comunitatea din Certeze nu doarme. Asfaltul ca in palma, pe mai bine de 10 kilometri, a fost muncit tot de cei care locuiesc aici. E drept, si cu ajutor de la rudele plecate la munca in strainatate. Fiecare familie a platit 400-500 de euro.

In alta localitate, la Negresti Oas, scoala generala in care invata peste 600 de elevi a fost utilata si modernizata integral de parinti.

Iar oamenii din aceste comunitati nu se vor opri aici. Vor sa arate ca ei sunt cu adevarat harnici si gospodari, nu asa cum sunt cei pe care i-au ales.

Apasati pentru a vedea reportajul ProTV

luni, 18 martie 2013

Falling Down

Masurile luate in Cipru arata adevarata fata a UE. Motivul pentru care Europa s-a extins pana in panzele albe e simplu: fara extindere ar fi colapsat. Acum nu mai au pe cine invada/coloniza (Rusia si Turcia nu vor sa intre neaparat - vor "parteneriate" nu vor sa li se puna conditii deloc), si uite cum brusc au inceput sa apara problemele. In toata povestea asta noi suntem prinsi intre ciocan si nicovala. Cum am fost intotdeauna..

"Let's list what Cyprus reveals about the true state of financial-political power in Europe:

1. The Core-Periphery terminology masks the real structure: the E.U. operates on a neocolonial model. In the old Colonialism 1.0 model, the colonizing power conquered or co-opted the Power Elites of the periphery regions, and proceeded to exploit the new colonies' resources and labor to enrich the Imperial core.

In Neocolonialism, the forces of financialization (debt and leverage controlled by State-enforced banking cartels) are used to indenture the local Elites and populace to the financial core: the peripheral "colonials" borrow money to buy the finished goods manufactured in the core economies, enriching the Imperial Elites with:

A) the profits made selling goods to the debtors
B) interest on credit extended to the peripheral colonies to buy the core economies' goods and "live large", and
C) the transactional skim of financializing peripheral assets such as real estate and State debt.

In essence, the core banks of the E.U. colonized the peripheral nations via the financializing euro, which enabled a massive expansion of debt and consumption in the periphery. The banks and exporters of the core exacted enormous profits from this expansion of debt and consumption.

Now that the financialization scheme of the euro has run its course, the periphery's neocolonial standing is starkly revealed: the assets and income of the periphery are flowing to the core as interest on the private and sovereign debts that are owed to the core's central bank and its crony money-center private banks.

This is not just the perfection of neocolonialism but of neofeudalism as well. The peripheral nations of the E.U. are effectively neocolonial debtors of the core (quasi-Imperial) banks, and the taxpayers of the core nations (now reduced to Germany and The Netherlands) are now feudal serfs whose labor is devoted to making good on any bank loans to the periphery that go bad.

Though we can term the E.U. a plutocracy or oligarchy, the neofeudal structure compels us to distinguish a class of those holding wealth and political power that is not limited to national border: this is an Aristocracy.

Serving the Aristocracy is a well-paid technocrat class of factotums, lackeys, toadies and enforcers. Below this well-compensated caste of technocrats is the larger class of debt-serfs, enslaved to interest payments on either their own debts or the debts of others, and bound by their class powerlessness to protecting banks and bondholders from losses.

Cyprus merely adds an expropriation twist to this well-oiled plunder: deposits will be expropriated directly to insure no Imperial (core) banks or bond holders lose money on their absurdly risky loans to periphery nations and serfs.

2. This is a supranational plunder. While commentators can wile away years debating how much Germany benefited from the euro, the real core is not national, it is supranational banks and the political machinery of the E.U. the banks have effectively captured.

The citizenry of Germany may approve or disapprove of the Cyprus expropriation, but it doesn't matter either way: their own serfdom to banks and bondholders is simply being masked: the bailouts of periphery nations are transparently bailouts of core banks and bondholders.

The nation-states of the neocolonial periphery are simply convenient propaganda placeholders, useful misdirections aimed at the naive and sentimental, hollowed-out national structures propped up to mask the ugly neocolonial reality of servitude and plunder.

3. Democracy is a fiction when no matter who you vote for, the banks and bondholders win control of the national income stream and private wealth. Democracy in Europe is a travesty of a mockery of a sham, an absurd play which is acted out as a form of blood-sport circus to distract the masses from their powerlessness and debt-serfdom.

Democracy is a fiction when the policies protecting banks and bondholders from losses remain in place regardless of which political party, coalition or politico is nominally in power.

The German taxpayers' private wealth is being expropriated via taxes to bail out core banks and bondholders; how is this any different from the blatant expropriation of private assets in Cyprus?

It is only a difference in technique; the result is the same: the forced transfer of wealth from those who earned it from their labor to banks and bondholders which in a truly capitalist economy would be immediately forced to absorb the losses of their leveraged, highly risky bets.

4. The ideological fiction of capitalism is dead in Europe. Capitalism is a fiction if capital that is placed at risk for a return cannot be lost.

5. Cyprus is a test to see how blatant the expropriation of private assets can become without triggering overthrow and revolution. If the furor dies down soon enough, then the same technique of expropriation will be imposed elsewhere. If the reaction is sustained and threatening to the Aristocracy, other less blatant expropriations will be tested in other neocolonies.

6. Divide and conquer is the propaganda order of the day. The Power Elites are attempting to set the serfs of the periphery against the serfs of the core, the goal being to keep both sets of serfs from realizing they are equally indentured to the core's pathological political-financial Aristocracy."

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