duminică, 18 iunie 2017

Debate 1984: Capitalism Versus Socialism, Which is the Moral Social System?

Debate 1984: Capitalism Versus Socialism, Which is the Moral Social System?

This is the 1984 public debate between the Objectivists (Leonard Peikoff and John Ridpath) representing the capitalist view, against the Democratic Socialists (Gerald Caplan and Jill Vickers) representing the socialist view. 

The entire transcript is available at many places including:


luni, 13 februarie 2017

Ce este capitalismul. Intrebarea fundamentala a ultimilor 27 de ani cam oriunde pe glob.

Ce este capitalismul. Intrebarea fundamentala a ultimilor 27 de ani, cam oriunde pe glob, nu doar la noi (la noi a lipsit cu desavarsire - analfabetii din universitati au distrus generatii intregi cu nestiinta lor - rezultatele vazandu-se acum la orice pas).