vineri, 29 aprilie 2016

Europe is fucked.

Outstanding presentation by Peter Zeihan and a great lesson in economics.

The game is over, morons.

Red army will shrink by half in the next 5 years. So if Russians are going to use military tactics and strategies to change their neighborhood, they have to do it.. now. Also, half of their teens have TB.

You are looking at the European system at its best case scenario, lasting only 7 - 8 years. Why Europe sucks so hard? One word: Germany.

USS Ronald Reagan

5 comentarii:

  1. Buna ziua,
    Cum va pot contacta ? Am vazut undeva un comentariu al dvs ca v-ati facut arborele genealogic cu ADN-ul. Pe tema asta vreau sa vorbim, va rog raspundeti la adresa madalin.focsa et (puteti sterge comentariul de aici apoi - nu am gasit alta modalitate de a va scrie)

  2. 23 and me sunt cei mai buni, ofera si genomul in format comprimat, ce poate fi analizat apoi pe alte site-uri pentru a identifica nu doar trasabilitatea cat si bolile la care sunteti predispus samd. Chiar daca azi doar o parte sunt identificate, in timp apar corelatii semnificative si e interesant de stiut.


  4. USGS Announces Largest Oil And Gas Deposit Ever Assessed In U.S.
