duminică, 13 noiembrie 2016

Hello, Dave. You're looking well today.

Bine ati venit in Era Inteligentei Artificiale.

400.000 de boti au facut campanie electorala pentru Trump, conversand cu democratii la un nivel de complexitate atat de mare incat mai nimeni nu s-a prins deloc, crezand ca vorbesc cu un human.

Nearly 75 percent of the bots you found were supportive of the Republican candidate Donald Trump, and the messages in their tweets were different, too.These bots are more complex, using artificial intelligence to chat with people. They can aggregate the sentiment in a polarized discussion and maybe even further polarize it.
It had been easier to identify earlier bots, but now it’s incredibly difficult for a human to make a determination. I did a test on myself, and in some accounts there are signs that are clear, such as posting 1,000 tweets per hour. In others it’s more difficult. They look like they go to sleep [going offline for a prolonged period each day]. They tweet five, 10, 15 tweets in a row, and then none for an hour.

Capitalism vs Socialism: 18 - 0. Again:)

Mind-blowing answer!!!!

Human: seriously , what is morality ?
Machine: what is the definition of living ?

Human vs Google AI dialogue.


Data Selfie - Chrome extension from DATA X on Vimeo.

joi, 10 noiembrie 2016

Music to my ears.

"The nation state remains the TRUE foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of International Unions that ties us up to and bring America down".
Music to my ears again.

miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016

Trump Triumphs. :)

Obama election speech 2008: "If anyone out there still doubts that America is a place where anything is possible: tonight is your answer"

I guess I can say openly now that I am a white, straight heterosexual male without anyone trying to imprison me for that.


“I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance [as the framing of the Constitution] ... should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided, and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent, and beneficent Ruler in whom all inferior spirits live and move and have their being.”
(Benjamin Franklin)
“If you would not be forgotten
As soon as you are dead and rotten,
Either write things worthy reading,
Or do things worth the writing.”