The Rape of the Sabine Women.
The Frauenraub is supposed to have occurred in the early history of Rome, shortly after its foundation by Romulus and his mostly male followers. Seeking wives in order to found families, the Romans negotiated unsuccessfully with the Sabines, who populated the area. Fearing the emergence of a rival society, the Sabines (socialistii) refused to allow their women to marry the Romans; consequently, the Romans planned to abduct Sabine women.
Romulus devised a festival of Neptune Equester and proclaimed the festival amongst Rome's neighbours. According to Livy, many people from Rome's neighbours attended, including from the Caeninenses, Crustumini, and Antemnates, and many of the Sabines. At the festival Romulus gave a signal (18 sept - POC), at which the Romans grabbed the Sabine women and fought off the Sabine men.
Livy is clear that no sexual assault took place (gentlemani, normal). On the contrary, Romulus offered them free choice (Milton Friedman) and promised civic and property rights to women. According to Livy he spoke to them each in person, "and pointed out to them that it was all owing to the pride of their parents in denying right of intermarriage to their neighbours. They would live in honourable wedlock, and share all their property and civil rights, and — dearest of all to human nature — would be the mothers of free men."
19/09/2008 - Moment istoric 9:41 AM ora Romaniei.

Cele 550 de miliarde retrase la comanda joi dimineata la ora 11 (19 PM ora Romaniei - 5,5 TRILIOANE ordine de plata pana a doua zi) au fost cauza pentru care intreg Senatul US a fost "sechestrat", obligat sa plateasca, insa nici pana azi Bernanke sau de partenerii lui europeni nu pot sti cu siguranta in ce banci au ajuns si nici cine a fost in spatele cererilor. De ce?
Generation Zero (Hannity Special – Full Video)
Noaptea de 18 spre 19 septembrie 2008 a fost extrem de furtunoasa. A doua zi, absolut toti guvernatorii bancilor centrale europene au iesit la rampa declarand garantarea tuturor depozitelor din banci cu sume cuprinse intre 50 de mii (Isarescu) si 500 de mii (Irlanda). De ce? Pentru ca pur si simplu in acel moment AU REFUZAT PLATILE, neavand cu ce plati. Daca ar fi acceptat acele plati lumea ar fi aratat cu totul altfel..
In alta ordine de idei, raspunsul autoritatilor (in afara arestarii lui Leo Emil Wanta sau alte CD-uri gasite prin parc) a fost urmatorul:
German authorities search Credit Suisse branches
(AP) – Jul 14, 2010
BERLIN — All 13 branches of Swiss bank Credit Suisse AG in Germany were searched Wednesday in an investigation of suspected tax evasion, prosecutors said.
Some 140 police officers were searching branches in Berlin, Duesseldorf, Munich and other German cities based on findings from a recently bought CD containing data that documents alleged tax evasion via Switzerland, Duesseldorf prosecutor Johannes Mocken said.
Prosecutors suspect unidentified employees of Credit Suisse of being accessories to tax evasion. Germany has opened 1,100 tax evasion cases based on the CD, Mocken said. He couldn't give any further information on the searches since they were still ongoing.

Intersectia dintre capitalism si socialism se afla in .. Carbon Credits. Impuse prin lege oriunde in lume din cauza "incalzirii globale". Adica exact ce nu vrea sa auda China, exact de ceea ce se teme cel mai mult. Daca incepi sa pui o taxa ecologica pentru fiecare punga de plastic, fiecare "toyota ieftina si buna", fiecare telefon produs in China, apoi atunci pot comunistii sa scoata absolut ce lege vor, pretul final le va fi imputat tot lor/pentru ca ei "polueaza" (produc) cel mai mult, prin definitie.
Capitalism vs Socialism

All in

Asa a inceput "The Fall of the Republic".
John Davison Rockefeller (8 July 1839 – 23 May 1937): "Competition is a sin, therefore you must destroy it"
James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate on 7th February 1950:
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."